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viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2021

Welcome 2022

Twelve bells are about to ring. For a moment I thought I was not going to use the word "Agri-sweet" again in a farewell letter at the end of the year, but it is no secret that it is the word that is most fashionable in the last two years due to what is happening worldwide with the pandemic, It began in some countries in March 2020 and today, December 31, 2021, we continue as the first day, I can say that we are almost even in the number of people infected with the virus, and in the number of deaths that have been recorded in recent months due to the new strain called "Omicron". At this moment I am in my room, in front of my computer, trying to find the right words so as not to sound repetitive when defining my 365 days of the year 2021 and thus be able to summarize the 365 days we are leaving behind. It is becoming more and more difficult for me to write a farewell letter at the end of the year, I do not know if it is because I start to look back and remember things I do not want, because the truth is that no matter how satisfying the present is, looking back to the past for a person like me full of optimism, it is a little frustrating. Almost always the summaries that I have made for more than ten years in farewell letters at the end of the year, cover periods, by months, by quarter, by quarters and some letters were written summarizing the events that occurred during the two semesters of that year, but this time I want to change the game and make the summary of the year by writing my feelings in general. One of the goals I set for this year was to get my driver's license, but even though I got my driver's license in January, I could not achieve this goal for reasons that are not relevant at the moment... What I could achieve was to take the exams to get my diploma equivalent to high school in New York City, but although I could only achieve the score of four subjects, missing one to acquire the diploma, I can still consider it as a goal achieved, since the goal was to take the exams. Summer was about to arrive and still the goal of getting a decent job had not been presented to me, but as he who perseveres triumphs, on July 6 I managed to get a job in a restaurant in Manhattan where I am so far in stable conditions, and in a few hours I will be shedding the last drops of sweat of the year 2021, which will evaporate in 2022, since the time to finish my work is exactly at 12 midnight, when the twelve bells that announce the arrival of the year 2022 start ringing. As everything has been different in this farewell letter, I do not want to stop being different in relation to the expectations I have for the year that is almost about to begin, and it turns out that so far I just want to let the year flow, without making me many expectations and illusions, but being aware that the previous day must have left me something that allows me to continue with the next day being a better person, and proud of myself. Wow! I did not think that after such a turbulent year, with many things to do, and little desire to do them, today I would be writing this farewell letter, but I think it was achieved because it is important to look to the future, but without stopping looking at the past that left us full of wisdom and learning that will allow us to be a better person in the following years. I do not want to get melancholic remembering old things, I think what I should do in this part of the letter; is to be ready to face what is coming in this 2022 that although it is true that the future is unpredictable, it is no less true that if we get up every day with the hope that everything will be fine and as the title of the novel I wrote in 2020 says, "There will be Light", no matter how dark the world is at this moment. Happy New Year 2022! to all the people who read this writing, and for those who do not read it too, I hope that God allows us to be safe and sound and with much wisdom and understanding to be able to continue treating our fellow men as we would like to be treated and looking for the way to be happy at every moment of our lives. I invite you to toast for the good things that have happened to us, and for the bad things that have helped us to grow and be stronger... Until next year's end where we will meet again with the 365 days we left behind.

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